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Kenny Azzerllo 

Anchor 1
I ran all the time for wrestling practice. I did it to cut weight, but never for any other reason. I played most football and wrestling which is odd for someone to start running with a background in those sports. I never enjoyed running because of my stocky build but found success despite it. 
The first time I ever ran was a 1.2 mile loop around my high school with some of my buddies to get in general shape. I can remember it being pretty tough because of the constant uphill. It was probably around 8-minute mile pace, which at the time was really good for our team. 
First Run
Today, I have earned a scholarship to run at UPJ. Like Ryan, I also plan on joining the cross country in the fall. I have no distance background, but it is something I plan on working towards this summer. I want to use the cross country to help me get in shape for the 2020 track season. 
I plan on running some local 5k's every year after  I graduate and eventually work towards a half marathon. My dream goal is to one day run the Pittsburgh Marathon with some of my teammates after we all graduate. Pittsburgh is my home, I thought it would be super cool to run the streets when they are all closed down. 
Tip: Just stay consistent and get out the door everyday! That is my best advice for making major improvements. 
First DMR with Luca
First College Invitational 

Best Progression

5K 2014: 24:12

5k 2018: 17:50

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